Monday, January 29, 2007

Teen Money Tips - Job Ideas For Teens Pt2

More job ideas for teens-

Web design – If you are good at creating attractve, functional web pages reasonably quickly then you could find yourself employment designing web sites for people who need them. It is important to do this in a professional manner, so you need to have a set price guide (eg, $30 up front, $30 when the customer is satisfied with the website and $5 for each update you have to do on the site) To get started with this then you need to have a computer with the appropriate software. Also, you need to advertise with fliers around local businesses, a good website of your own and word of mouth.

Installing and fixing computers – If you are good at installing/putting together computers then this could be an ideal line of employment for you. Simply go round to the person's house, plug the computer in, show them how it works and you're away! You could also offer tuition for a per lesson rate ($5 a lesson etc) Another thing you could offer is to upgrade people's computers. They could pay you to source the components they need and do the installation. Most importantly though – you MUST know what you're doing. Nobody wants their new thousand dollar computer ruined by someone who doesn't really know how to put it together at all!

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